Saturday, November 05, 2005

I have also added video playlists. All shows are now loaded into their own playlist. Currently, the playlist is the show's name. I will add the option to allow you to select whether you want the playlists created by show name, channel or maybe genre (catagory).

Check it out:


At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What format are you transcoding to? Do you have to have QT7.0.3 installed for this to work?

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Geoff Gerhardt said...

You can choose the format you want to transcode in. The software I wrote is a frontend for FFMPEG, which is command-line encoder software. I have had most success with MP4 encoding, but you can try h264 as well. By default, it uses mp4 encoding.

QT7 is not required.


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