Monday, January 30, 2006

I am working on the next version of the software. I am moving away from it being a dedicated application for SageTV and more towards an application that can funnel a variety of video sources into the iPod. I will be adding the ability to indicate whether a video source is either a TV Show, Music Video, Movie, Home Video or Other. If it is designated as a TV show, playlists will be generated for each show. It will be able to take TV shows from any source (i.e. TiVo or downloaded BitTorrent TV content) as long as the naming convention is Showname - If the source is designated as a Music Video, Movie, Home Movie or Other, it will be put into the appropriate playlist (playlists for each will be created).

I will also be adding the ability for users to specify all encoding parameters for FFMPEG. This will allow those non-iPod users to adjust the encoding parameters specific for their application.

Let me know if you have any other ideas.



At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

many may have already stated the obvious, but this is an amazing tool. I am using it as my all purpose converter for my iPod. I welcome the new direction and features you are adding. I don't know how much time/effort you are putting into this project but it is greatly appreciated. It's making my iPod an indispensable tool !

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Geoff Gerhardt said...

Thanks for the comments guys, and thanks Larry for blogging about the software - I see I've been getting hits from your blog.

Regarding your comments about not being able to control what gets transcoded. If you have the "Enable iPod video library management" check box checked, by default, any new programs will not get transcoded until you specify how many you want to keep. Once you specify a number to keep, the software will transcode the latest shows.

This software was setup to work with SageTV. If the software you are using to generate video does not name the same way as SageTV does, it may have some issues. I have finished a version that opens this up. For each video source, you can designate it as a TV Show, Movie, Music Video or Home Video.

Please email ( me if you are still having probs figuring it out. I'm glad to get feedback about the UI, sometimes the way I organize things in the UI seem right to me, but are awkward to someone who first uses the software.



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